
2 jan 2014

Interview with Bethany

New year, new interviews! Today we are going to meet Bethany. She is a lifestyle and fashion blogger. Do you want to know more about her? Then read on quickly...

- What is your age? 24
-What country are you from? England
-How long have you been blogging and when did you start? I created my blog in the summer but only really started using it at the end of October beginning of November.
-Why did you start blogging? As a hobby!
-What is your biggest achievement in your blogging 'career'? When anyone tells me they take the time to read my blog I am really touched and that is an achievement in itself.
-What is your pageview-record? Not many. My blogs still up and coming and I still only have 3500 page views to date. Hopefully this will grow with time.
-What is your aim? To entertain people and let them know which things are good to buy.
-From how many countries are your followers? I have a lot of European followers mainly English and also a few American.
-What is your favourite subject to write about? I love writing about beauty but I quite like doing reviews of new places too.
-What is the nicest response you ever received about your blog? Ahhh this is too hard. Anytime anyone takes time out to tell me they read it means a lot to me!
-What's your URL?
-''Something  you  want to tell about yourself'' I don't really know what to answer... How about I love penguins. Hehe!

I hope you liked this interview. There will be a new interview soon.

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