
22 nov 2013

Interview with Madforstereo

Today we're going to meet Madforstereo, he is a 3D artist and I believe he is one of the best artists in his trade. Wanna know more? Then read on quickly!

  • What is your age? 
    I am 43
  • What country are you from?
    I am from The Netherlands
  • How long have you been blogging and when did you start?
    I do not blog. I specialize in converting pictures into stereoscopic 3D. One can view these pictures using the familiar red-cyan glasses, or by using a special free-viewing technique.
    I've been doing these since 2006 and started publishing them on Flickr in 2010. I've also been on Deviant Art for a year now.
  • Why did you start blogging?
    Because I wanted to share my art
  • What is your biggest achievement in your blogging 'career'?
    That people are asking for more
  • What is your pageview-record?
    That is kind of hard to tell because each picture counts differently, but on Deviant Art there's been a total count of 3587 over a year, while on Flickr there's one pic that has 1421 alone...
  • What is your aim?
    My aim is to become the best in what I do
  • From how many countries are your followers?
    Well, let's say I lost count ;)
  • What is your favourite subject to write about?
    I prefer using old record covers as a subject, because I'm crazy for music and many people have a reference with them, but any other art will do too, as long as it's technically possible
  • What is the nicest response you ever received about your blog?
    Any friendly comment is deeply appreciated even if it's honest critique, but this one has special meaning to me:
    "Wow its sivmly fincrigbistly nackhappfulous to put it mildly! WoW"
  • What's your URL?

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    Een reactie posten

    Thank you all for your lovely comment! You've made my day <3